Friday, March 8, 2013

March is the Time to Think Green

When you think green as it relates to your home, the green you think of is money. Your home can be a money pit but, if you Go Green you can change that!

We all look around our homes and can identify endless home improvement opportunities. But today with energy costs at an all-time high and continuing to increase, investing in home energy efficiency can really pay off.

For example, replacing a 10-15 year old furnace & air conditioner and making sure that the ductwork is sealed properly, can reduce your heating and cooling cost by over 50% and depending upon home construction and climate zone, installing energy efficient high-performance windows can save $300-400 a year.

The average U.S. household spends approximately $2,200 per year on energy -- nearly half of which goes to heating and cooling, according to Energy Star and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Of the rest, about 14 percent goes to heating water, 12 percent to lighting and 13 percent for appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, dryers and dishwashers.

By replacing your appliances and light bulbs you can save even more in your home. And in 2013 there maybe more tax incentives.

So this month isn’t it time to think green?

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