Friday, March 22, 2013

March is a Time for Madness

Everyone knows about March Madness, what we want to talk about is March sanity.
One of the sanest things you can do is to give your HVAC system a regular checkup. Before you drive your car there are certain things you check; tires, windows, oil etc. Well each month there are some things you should check on your HVAC system.
Check Your Air Filters. Clogged filters lead to a 5 to 15 percent drop of efficiency, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, which recommends changing or cleaning filters every one to two months during peak use. Reusable filters should be cleaned according to the manufacturer’s guidelines and placed back in the system. Disposable filters should be thrown away. New filters to replace the ones you tossed are available at most hardware stores.
Check your drains. This HVAC repair is primarily applicable to cooling systems, which feature drains used to remove condensation that builds up over time. The condensation usually isn’t clean: it carries dirt and other particles that clog these drains. Removing the dirt is simple. With the system off, push a wire through the drain to knock it out, being careful to avoid injury.
Check your thermostat. Verify that your thermostat is working correctly. A thermostat that leaves your home too cool or too warm can waste energy. Check to make sure your home is at the same temperature set on the thermostat and that timed cooling or heating is working properly. Generally, thermostat repairs require professional maintenance.
If you take these few basic steps you can prevent some madness in your house!


  1. These are some great tips, thanks for sharing! I always make sure to clear out the filters of the unit I got from Doylestown Air Conditioning. Having a clean unit can increase the overall effectiveness of it, so I clean mine regularly.

  2. Thanks for this post. I wish that kansas City had more heating and cooling companies. There seems to be shortage, which is strange even for this time of year. Thanks again.

  3. Wow thanks posting this. I was wondering if any one wold know where I can find a a homewood heating and air conditioning service? If you know of one please let me know. Thanks for any help
